clj-kafka uses the old consumer API's and offset storage in ZK.  If I were
you I'd migrate to which wraps the new
consumer API and stores offsets in Kafka.

I'm going to assume you didn't migrate ZK state based off this?


On 16 August 2016 at 12:15, Javier Holguera <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Yesterday my company completed a “successful” migration from Kafka brokers
> v0.9.0.1 to Kafka 0.10.0.
> However the migration can’t be considered completely successfully because
> we accidentally lost our offsets. Fortunately our apps are designed to be
> able to replay from the beginning on the topic without much problem, but
> it’s something we weren’t expecting and I would like to understand what we
> did wrong to let his happen.
> Our apps use kafka client v0.8.2.1 wrapped around latest version of
> clj-kafka. We are using its functionality to commit offsets (like here:
> kafka/offset.clj#L70)
> using OffsetCommitRequest.
> Any help would be welcomed.
> Thanks!
> --
> Javier Holguera
> Sent with Airmail

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