Hi Guozhang,
    Thanks for replies. And which is the expiration parameter? Can I config it 
on broker or on consumer?

Thanks and Regards

Yuanjia Li
From: Guozhang Wang
Date: 2016-08-13 03:05
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: kafka-consumer-groups.sh delete group with new-consumer
Hi Yuanjia,
New consumer's group registry information is stored on the Kafka brokers,
not ZK any more, and the brokers use heartbeats to detect if the consumer
has been failed and hence can be removed from the group or not.
In addition, the consumer's committed offsets (i.e. "positions" as you
mentioned it) has an expiration parameter (default is "forever") based on
which the offsets will be automatically cleaned on the brokers as well.
When all members are gone from a group, i.e. the group is empty, AND all
the group's previous consumer's committed offsets have all been expired,
the group registry will be deleted.
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:55 PM, yuanjia8...@163.com <yuanjia8...@163.com>
> Hi all,
>     When I use kafka-consumer-groups.sh to delete new-consumer's group,
> the shell note that "Option [delete] is not valid with [new-consumer]. Note
> that there's no need to delete group metadata for the new consumer as it is
> automatically deleted when the last member leaves."
>     How to understand it is automatically deleted when the last member
> leaves?
>     Does it means the consumer's position could lost if the consumer stop?
> Thanks and Regards
> YuanjiaLi
-- Guozhang

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