Hi, With *auto.leader.rebalance.enable=true* Kafka runs preferred election tool in regular intervals rebalancing topic-partition leaders. Now if preferred election fails to elect the preferred leader for a topic partition it falls back to any other leader in ISR.
But for us in production when this happens, the newly elected leader fails to serve/produce messages anymore. If you describe the topic the latest offset shown is *0* but a leader is shown. My current fix is to restart the controller broker. 1. New controller comes up..fresh preferred election happens . 2. During this time around offsets comes back to a number from zero. Log - http://pastebin.com/raw/qeBnNPA6# Kafka Version - 0.9.1 Should I turn off auto.leader.rebalance or can I work around this problem. Any suggestions ? Why would offset go to zero ? -- Thanks Sudev Ambadi