Have you looked at kafka manager: https://github.com/yahoo/kafka-manager It provides consumer level metrics.
-David On 8/2/16, 12:36 PM, "Phillip Mann" <pm...@trulia.com> wrote: Hello all, This is a bit of a convoluted title but we are trying to set up monitoring on our Kafka Cluster and Kafka Streams app. I currently have JMX port open on our Kafka cluster across our brokers. I am able to use a Java JMX client to get certain metrics that are helpful to us. However, the data we want to monitor the most is consumer level JMX metrics. This is made complicated because there is no documentation for what we are trying to do. Essentially we need to expose the JMX port for the Kafka Streams Consumer. Each Kafka Streams app contains a producer and consumer (group?). We want to get the offset lag metrics for the Kafka Streams consumer. Is this possible? If so, how do we do it? Thanks for the help!! Phillip