Hello, I’ve googled around for this, but haven’t had any luck. Based upon this: http://docs.confluent.io/3.0.0/streams/architecture.html#state KTables are local to instances. An instance will process one or more partitions from one or more topics. How does Kstreams/Ktables handle the following situation?
A single application instance is processing 4 partitions from a topic. The application is using a Ktable. Each event triggers lookups in the KTable. Now, a new application instance is started. This triggers a rebalancing of the partitions. 2 partitions originally processed by the first instance migrate to the new instance. What happens with the KTable? Is the entire table “migrated” also? This would be nice because lookups (in the first instance) triggered by particular events should be identical to lookups (in the second instance) triggered by those same events. -David