We've been playing around with the new Consumer API and have it an
unfortunate bump in the road. When our onPartitionsRevoked() callback
is called we'd like to be able to commit any data that we were
processing to stable storage so we can then commit the offsets back to
Kafka. This way we don't throw away in progress work. The problem is
that onPartitionsRevoked() is called from the same thread running
poll() which means that heartbeats are paused while the callback is
processing. Our commits sometimes take a few minutes which means that
we'll lose our Kafka session and the partitions we were trying to
commit will get reassigned. The end result of that is more duplicates
in our stored data.

Has anyone else encountered this? We're probably going to just do a
rollback rather than a commit in the callback to return quickly, but I
wanted to check to see if there was something we were missing.


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