On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 12:48 AM, Denis Mikhaylov <notxc...@gmail.com>
> Hi, I plan to use Kafka for event-based integration between services. And
> I have two questions that bother me a lot:
> 1) What topic naming convention do you use?

There's no strict convention, but using '.' or '_' to indicate hierarchical
organization helps (and may eventually map to built-in hierarchical topics).

> 2) Do you wrap your messages in some kind of envelope that contains
> metadata like originating system info, timestamp, event type, unique event
> identifier, etc?

This is a good practice, and something we've thought about adding support
for in Confluent's schema registry. Just make sure it is *strongly*
backwards compatible, i.e. only add fields w/ default values. Having a
common header/envelope gives you a lot of useful info across all your


> Thanks,
> Denis.


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