Is it possible that your app is thrashing (i.e. FullGC’ing too much and not 
processing messages)?


On 7/19/16, 9:16 AM, "Abhinav Solan" <> wrote:

    Hi Everyone, can anyone help me on this
    On Mon, Jul 18, 2016, 6:19 PM Abhinav Solan <> wrote:
    > Hi Everyone,
    > Here are my settings
    > Using Kafka, 1 instance (as we are testing things on a staging
    > environment)
    > Subscribing to 4 topics from a single Consumer application with 4 threads
    > Now the server keeps on working fine for a while, then after about 3-4 hrs
    > or so, it stops consuming at all.
    > I started my own Consumer Instance and one Kafka Console Consumer, I can
    > see messages coming in the console consumer but not in my Consumer 
    > There are some messages which are coming through but not all messages,
    > then after a while I restarted the Consumer instance, then again nothing
    > coming through .. then I restarted the Kafka Server and then I could see
    > all the messages coming through.
    > Has anyone seen this kind of problem ?
    > Is it because I am running only single broker ?
    > Here are the properties I am setting for the Consumer -
    > fetch.min.bytes=1
    > max.partition.fetch.bytes=8192
    > I have written up my Consumer using
    > Thanks,
    > Abhinav

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