Anderson, The metric `UnderReplicatedPartitions` gives you the number of partitions that are out of the ISR, but doesn't expose that per topic-partition. I'd welcome the addition of that metric to Kafka (it shouldn't be that much work in the source code I don't think), and I think others would as well. For now though, you can get this by crawling zookeeper to figure out the ISR.
Thanks Tom On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Anderson Goulart <> wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to monitor under replicated partitions to create an alert > based on this metric. I want to get by topic,partition how many replicas > are out-of-sync, compared to the replication factor, instead of a boolean > value. > So someone can get an alert like: > > Topic A, partition 0, has 2/3 out of sync replicas > > 3 = replication factor > > > Is there anyway to get this info? > > > thanks, anderson > > >