
I'm using Kafka with the Confluent platform 3.0.0

I manage to join a record stream (KStream / clicks stream) with a changelog
stream (KTable / an entity like a campaign related to a click for example).
When the entity in the KTable is inserted first (and the first time of
course) in Kafka, the record stream is processed as expected with the join
in a new enriched stream. This is good.

My issue is when the record stream generate a record that contains a key/id
that hasn't been insert yet in the changelog stream/KTable. My process
generate a record stream without information in the enriched stream. Would
it be possible to recall this enriched stream process once the changelog
record on my KTable received the missing id/key ? From my understanding,
it's not possible right now to this with a KStream-KTable join. Is there a
way to do something like this ?


Nicolas PHUNG

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