    I'm running a Kafka cluster with 3 nodes.
I have a topic with a replication factor of 3.
When I stop node 1 running kafka-topics.sh shows me that node 2 and 3 have
successfully failed over the partitions for the topic.

The message producers are still sending messages and I can still consume
them using kafka-console-consumer.sh

However my Java consumer stops consuming messages. ( I thought
maybe it was rebalancing but after an hour nothing)

The consumer logs simply contains lots of "Marking the coordinator
8147683647 dead."

If I start node 1 up the consumers detect this and start to consume
messages again.

On startup of the consumers I can see that all three nodes are listed in
the "bootstrap.servers".

Any idea whats wrong with the Java consumer?

Thanks for any help or pointers in the right direction.


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