On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 01:30:34PM +0100, Tom Crayford wrote:
> I think you'll be far better off using EBS and Kafka's inbuilt distribution
> than NFS mounts. Kafka's designed for distributing data natively, and not
> for NFS style mounts.

I did some initial benchmarking of amazon EFS and agree with your
assesment.  I think you'll be better off with EBS as you can have
slightly more control over the performance of the disk subsystem as
opposed to EFS which is based on NFSv4.  And while the performance of
EFS on my FreeBSD test systems was OK, I did find that it was trivial to
saturate the network interface the EFS volume is mounted on.  

I am personally evaluating EFS for usecases where I need to share data
for content delivery or as a scratch space for PostgreSQL WAL logs for
for example.


Pete Wright
Lead Systems Architect
Rubicon Project

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