Hi Dhiaraj

That shouldn’t be the case. As I understand it both the producer and consumer 
hold a single connection to each broker they need to communicate with. Multiple 
produce requests can be sent through a single connection in the producer (the 
number being configurable with max.in.flight.requests.per.connection and 
non-blocking io is used). Consumers (new consumer) send a single request to 
each broker.     

Hope that helps

> On 30 Jun 2016, at 11:03, dhiraj prajapati <dhirajp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using new Kafka Consumer and Producer APIs (version
> I see that my consumer as well as producer has multiple connections
> established with kafka brokers. Why is this so?
> Does the consumer and producer APIs use connection pooling? If yes, where
> do I configure the pool size?
> Regards,
> Dhiraj

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