Ok, definitely a dev box problem (network for sure). I moved the process
from my dev box to the mesos cluster and the delay between puts is now

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 10:32 AM, Barry Kaplan <bkap...@memelet.com> wrote:

> Hmm, well CPU is pretty much zero. Heap is barely used. I even made the
> task put method be a noop other than to log time-since-last call. No
> change. With yourkit I see that ES has a thread that is sleeping, but it's
> in a monitor thread pool and clearly not blocking kafka. Anyway, I even
> removed all code except logging and still it takes 10s to deliver just 1500
> messages.
> I would say maybe it's the network, but the writing to ES is quite fast
> and the data in from kafka exactly what goes out to ES.
> I'll keep investigating.

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