I think everyone is using the Maven kafka-clients but I can't be sure since my team does not have control over all the code. I cannot identify what is triggering these exceptions -- which is why I was asking about additional tracing that might add some content around the exception to help track this down.
Are you aware of any problems with kafka-clients in this area? I'm wondering if the problem could be there and that it shows up now because of the improved error checking you mention. In this case, Rad's suggestion of upgrading the client code could resolve the issue. Thanks! Chris From: Grant Henke <ghe...@cloudera.com> To: users@kafka.apache.org Date: 06/08/2016 10:58 AM Subject: Re: Invalid Version for API key ApiKey 2 is the Offsets request. There is only a version 0 of that protocol since there has been no change in the protocol version for LIST_OFFSETS from 0.8 to 0.10. So there error that version 1 is invalid is correct. What has changed in 0.10 is that the validation and errors of incorrect api keys has been improved. Are you using any custom clients? Can you identify what commands (or client code) trigger this error log? On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Chris Barlock <barl...@us.ibm.com> wrote: > Anyone? Is there additional tracing that can be turned on to track down > the source of these exceptions? > > Chris > > > > > From: Chris Barlock/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS > To: users@kafka.apache.org > Date: 06/07/2016 12:45 PM > Subject: Invalid Version for API key > > > > We are running some tests on upgrading from Kafka 2.10- to > 2.11-0.10.00. So far, we only upgraded the server. All of the clients > that I could verify are still using the Maven kafka-clients version > There are a number of exceptions in the server.log: > > [2016-06-07 16:00:00,266] ERROR Closing socket for > because of error > (kafka.network.Processor) > kafka.network.InvalidRequestException: Error getting request for apiKey: 2 > > and apiVersion: 1 > at > kafka.network.RequestChannel$Request.liftedTree2$1(RequestChannel.scala:95) > at > kafka.network.RequestChannel$Request.<init>(RequestChannel.scala:87) > at > > kafka.network.Processor$$anonfun$processCompletedReceives$1.apply(SocketServer.scala:488) > at > > kafka.network.Processor$$anonfun$processCompletedReceives$1.apply(SocketServer.scala:483) > at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:893) > at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1336) > at > scala.collection.IterableLike$class.foreach(IterableLike.scala:72) > at scala.collection.AbstractIterable.foreach(Iterable.scala:54) > at > kafka.network.Processor.processCompletedReceives(SocketServer.scala:483) > at kafka.network.Processor.run(SocketServer.scala:413) > at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:785) > Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid version for API key > > 2: 1 > at > org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ProtoUtils.schemaFor(ProtoUtils.java:31) > at > > org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ProtoUtils.requestSchema(ProtoUtils.java:44) > at > > org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ProtoUtils.parseRequest(ProtoUtils.java:60) > at > > org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetRequest.parse(ListOffsetRequest.java:142) > at > > org.apache.kafka.common.requests.AbstractRequest.getRequest(AbstractRequest.java:46) > at > kafka.network.RequestChannel$Request.liftedTree2$1(RequestChannel.scala:92) > ... 10 more > > Any guidance on what the source of this might be? > > Chris > > > > > > -- Grant Henke Software Engineer | Cloudera gr...@cloudera.com | twitter.com/gchenke | linkedin.com/in/granthenke