Hi Elias,

You'll have to do some rolling restarts, but downtime can be limited.
There's two things you have to consider at a high level:
1) How to migrate zookeeper without downtime
-Starting with a quorum of 3, add two of the new servers to the quorum
bringing it up to 5
-Once everything is in sync, you can kill two of the old servers and update
the quorum back to 3 in the config
-Then you'll do a basic replace of the remaining old server
-Further discussion in detail on the ZK mailing list -->
-If you're on ZK 3.5, you're life can be simplified somewhat with dynamic
configuration -->

2) Update the ZK quorum for kafka
-Update the zookeeper.connect string in the kafka to reflect the new 5 node
quorum you create above, rolling restart kafka
-Once you have the 3 node new quorum up and running, update
zookeeper.connect again and rolling restart kafka
-Note: any old high level consumers will be impacted by the changed
zookeeper string as well, so you'll need to consider that

Frankly, if you can take some downtime, it's probably easier to spin up the
new zookeeper quorum on it's own, copy over the zookeeper data directories
and do a hard migration.  You could do that work in the background pretty
easily, then bring down kafka, make sure you have everything sync'd across
to the new quorum, update zookeeper.connect for kafka, start the new
quorum, start kafka, and be done without any of the mess above.

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 2:11 AM, Elias Abacioglu <
elias.abacio...@deltaprojects.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a proper way to change the zookeeper cluster?
> I want to migrate new zookeeper cluster, preferably with little or no
> downtime.
> Is it possible?

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