
KafkaStreams uses the new consumers, thus you need to use

> bin/ --new-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 
> --list

instead of "--zookeeper XXX"

AbstractTask.commit() is called each "". A task is
requested to persist all buffered data on this call; ie, flush state
data to persistent storage and flush pending writes to Kafka. After all
tasks executed .commit(), KafkaStreams app will commit the current
source topic offsets to Kafka. This is a regular KafkaConsumer commit.

If you use the latest trunc version you can get consumer/producer
metrics via KafkaStreams.metrics().

For getting the Context object, you need to write you own custom
processor and add it via stream.process(...);


On 06/02/2016 06:54 PM, Srikanth wrote:
> Matthias,
> """bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka10
> --list""" output didn't show the group I used in streams app.
> Also, had a commit() API. That made me wonder if offset
> management was overridden too.
> I'm trying out KafkaStreams for one new streaming app we are working on.
> We'll most likely stick to DSL for that.
> Does the DSL expose any stat or debug info? Or any way to access the
> underlying Context?
> Srikanth
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Matthias J. Sax <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Srikanth,
>> I am not exactly sure if I understand your question correctly.
>> One way to track the progress is to get the current record offset (you
>> can obtain it in the low lever Processor API via the provided Context
>> object).
>> Otherwise, on commit, all writes to intermediate topics are flushed to
>> Kafka and the source offsets get committed to Kafka, too.
>> A KafkaStream application internally uses the standard high level Java
>> KafkaConsumer (all instances of a single application belong to the same
>> consumer group) and standard Java KafkaProducer.
>> So you can use standard Kafka tools to access this information.
>> Does this answer your question?
>> -Matthias
>> On 05/31/2016 09:10 PM, Srikanth wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How can I track the progress of a kafka streaming job?
>>> The only reference I see is "" which controls how
>> often
>>> offset is committed.
>>> By default where is it committed and is there a tool to read it back? May
>>> be something similar to bin/
>>> I'd like to look at details for source & intermediate topics too.
>>> Srikanth

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