I have 4 node kafka broker with following configuration : Default Number of Partitions : num.partitions : 1 Default Replication Factor : default.replication.factor : 1 Maximum Message Size : message.max.bytes : 10 MB Replica Maximum Fetch Size : replica.fetch.max.bytes : 10 MB
Right now I have 4 topic with 1 partition and 1 replication factor . "Topic Name" : "Broker Id" : "Total Messages Received Across Kafka Broker" : "Total Bytes Received Across Kafka Broker" Topic 1 - Leader Kafka Broker 1 : 4.67 Message/Second : 1.6 MB/second Topic 2 - Leader Kafka Broker 2 : 4.78 Message/Second : 4.1 MB/second Topic 3 - Leader Kafka Broker 1 : 4.83 Message/Second : 1.6 MB/second Topic 4 - Leader Kafka Broker 3 : 4.8 Message/Second : 4.3 MB/second Message consist of <String , Array[Byte] >. when consumer tried to read message from "Topic 2" Kafka Broker rate of message receiving slow down from 4.77 message/second to 3.12 message/second , after some time try to goes up . I also attached screenshot of "Total Messages Received Across Kafka Broker" and "Total Bytes Received Across Kafka Broker" for topic "Topic 2" . can someone explain why it is happen and how to solve it ? Regards Prateek