2) I am not sure if I understand correctly
   * punctuation is independent from committing (ie, you cannot use it
to flush)
   * if you need to align writes with commits you can either use a
KStream/KTable or need to register a state (see StateStore.java)

5) The application goes down -- neither process() nor punctuate() should


On 05/27/2016 03:52 AM, Tobias Adamson wrote:
> Thank you. 
> Some more follow-up questions
> 1) great, will do some tests
> 2) if auto commit is used how do we prevent a commit happening when an error 
> happens in processing. Basically our scenario is that we build up aggregation 
> contexts for specific keys (these are a bit special so most probably can't 
> use KTables) and we would then on each punctuate call want to save these 
> contexts to our external systems. Once saved we would commit our offset. 
> However if the progress is committed before punctuate and we have an error 
> saving we could end up with the offset being ahead of our saved progress. 
> 3) great
> 4) great
> 5) What happens if a process/punctuate call throws a RuntimeException?
> Regards
> Toby
>> On 27 May 2016, at 1:32 AM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
>> Hi Toby,
>> 1) I am not an expert for RocksDB, but I don't see a problem with larger
>> objects.
>> 2) I assume, by "guaranteed" you mean that the commit is performed when
>> the call return. In this case, no. It only sets a flag to commit at the
>> next earliest point in time possible. Ie, you can trigger commits in
>> between the regular commit interval that is configured via
>> "commit.interval.ms"
>> 3) Yes.
>> 4) Yes.
>> -Matthias
>> On 05/26/2016 02:36 PM, Tobias Adamson wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> We have a scenario where we could benefit from the new API’s instead of our 
>>> in house ones.
>>> However we have a couple of questions
>>> 1. Is it feasible to save 2-3MB size values in the RocksDBStorage?
>>> 2. When is the offset committed as processed when using a custom Processor, 
>>> is it when you call commit on the context and is the commit guaranteed?
>>> 3. Is it ok to put values in to the KVStore in the punctuate method?
>>> 4. Is the punctuate method run by the same thread as the process method?
>>> Regards
>>> Toby

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