On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 6:34 AM, Joe San <codeintheo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have an application that is currently running and is using Rx Streams to
> move data. Now in this application, I have a couple of streams whose
> messages I would like to write to a single Kafka topic. Given this, I have
> say Streams 1 to 5 as below:
> Stream1 - Takes in DataType A Stream2 - Takes in DataType B and so on
> Where these Streams are Rx Observers. All these data types that I get out
> of the stream are converted to a common JSON structure. I want this JSON
> structure to be pushed to a single Kafka topic.
> Now the questions are:
>    1.
>    Should I create one KafkaProducer for each of those Streams or rather Rx
>    Observer instances?

A single producer instance is fine. In fact, it may be better since you
share TCP connections and requests to produce data can be batched together.

>    2.
>    What happens if multiple threads using its own instance of a
>    KafkaProducer to write to the same topic?

They can all write to the same topic, but their data will be arbitrarily
interleaved since there's no ordering guarantee across these producers.


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