We plan to use kafka as a message broker for IoT use case, where each device is considered as unique topic. when I simulated 10 message per second to 10 thousand topics zookeeper is getting bottle neck,all Kafka monitoring tools fails to read the throughput values and number of topics from JMX port because of that. will tuning zookeeper will solve the issues. where In IoT use case there will be millions of device polling data to millions of topics. I want to make sure the approach is perfect to go. Please suggest.
*Thanks & Regards,* Anas A DBA, Trinity Mobility [image: facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/anas.24aj> [image: twitter] <https://twitter.com/anas24aj> [image: linkedin] <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anas24aj> [image: googleplus] <https://plus.google.com/u/0/+anasA24aj/> +917736368236 anas.2...@gmail.com Bangalore