  Here is a great article about the consumer API:
In my opinion, the consumer will not be able to send the heartbeat to the
group coordinator (due to the fact that poll calls on onPartitionRevoked
and onPratitionAssigned in the same thread) in the expected session
timeout. Therefore a new rebalance will be issued. I suppose that consumer
that B will take all the partitions but, it will be affected all the time
by the sloppy consumer A that  after each poll joins the group and triggers
You could do a test with a Thread.sleep with a time that exceeds the
session timeout  in the onPartitionRevoked and see if the above described
behavior is fine. For both of theconsumers put the
I look forward for your results.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 9:51 PM, tao xiao <xiaotao...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi team,
> I want to know what would happen if the consumer group rebalance takes long
> time like longer than the session timeout?
> For example I have two consumers A and B using the same group id. For some
> reasons during rebalance consumer A takes long time to finish
> onPartitionsRevoked what would happen to B? does B take over all the topics
> and continue consumption? And what would happen to both A and B after A
> finishes the long processing?

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