Hi Ben,

in order to avoid conflicts I have auto generation for broker id in the 
server.properties file.
Of course it's a workaround but I'm so curious how do you tell Kubernetes to 
start a new Kafka pod with a previous broker id ?

Btw, waiting for an answer from the Kafka team.


Paolo PatiernoSenior Software Engineer (IoT) @ Red Hat
Microsoft MVP on Windows Embedded & IoTMicrosoft Azure Advisor 
Twitter : @ppatierno
Linkedin : paolopatierno
Blog : DevExperience

> Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 22:27:13 +0900
> Subject: Re: Topic description by zookeeper after a kafka server dies
> From: ben.davi...@7digital.com
> To: users@kafka.apache.org
> Hi Paolo,
> Would be interested to hear the answer also. We've been getting around this
> ourselves by setting the new broker that comes up back to id 1001.
> Thanks,
> Ben
> On Tuesday, 10 May 2016, Paolo Patierno <ppatie...@live.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm experiencing the usage of Kafka with Kubernetes and I don't understand
> > the reason of the following behavior.
> >
> > Starting with a pod with zookeeper and a pod with a kafka server (id =
> > 1001). Create a topic named "test" ... producer and consumer can
> > send/receive message without problems.
> > I turn off the pod with kafka server and Kubernetes restarts another pod
> > with a new kafka server (id = 1002).
> > Now ... I know that the topic "test" is lost because the related log was
> > in the previous kafka server (id = 1001).
> > Anyway, the zookeeper server still have information about topic "test" and
> > if I use "describe" command it says me that the leader is still the 1001
> > server !!
> >
> > I tried the script for reassign replicas and the preferred replica
> > election : now zookeeper shows me that the 1002 server is in the replicas
> > list but the leader is still the 1001 and the only one in the ISR list.
> > Why zookeeper doesn't know that kafka server 1001 is dead ??
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Paolo.
> >
> > Paolo PatiernoSenior Software Engineer (IoT) @ Red Hat
> > Microsoft MVP on Windows Embedded & IoTMicrosoft Azure Advisor
> > Twitter : @ppatierno
> > Linkedin : paolopatierno
> > Blog : DevExperience
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