 please have a look at this article.  it help me touse the log compaction
feature mechanism

i hope thtat it helps.

On Thursday, May 5, 2016, Behera, Himansu (Contractor) <
himansu_beh...@cable.comcast.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> I am working on implementing the kafka log compaction feature in my
> project.
> Please find the server. Properties. I have made all the config changes
> needed/suggested in the kafka log compaction  forum.But was not to able to
> resolve  the issue.
> My use as follows:
> Step 1:.We send a keyed message(String,string) from one of the producer
>  to the topic.
> Step 2:Then we send around 10 million  keyed messages(with unique key) to
> the above said topic.
> Step 3:Then  we try to send update to  the key in step 1 with some other
> value other than  in step 1 after 1800 secs
> Expected Result:  The key should be updated with  the recent value.
> Actual Result: The updated key contains the old value.
> Appreciate if someone can help me in implementing the log compaction
>  features POC.
> Please find the server. properties attached for  your reference.
> Regards,
> Himansu

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