  We are using Kafka 0.9.1. We have created a class CustomKafkaConsumer
whose method receive
has the pseudocoode

    public OurClassStructure[] receiveFromKafka()
//gte the message from topic
           ConsumerRecords<Integer, V> received= org

          //transform received to our  OurClassStructure[]

we would like use this CustomKafkaConsumer due to our needs:
1. get the kafka message from a long lived thread (such as Storm spout in
the nextTuple method)
2.  get the kafka messages from a Java scheduled thread executor at one
second frequency

OurClassStructure[]  km=CustomKafkaConsumer.receiveFromKafka();
//doSomething with km
 long initialDelay,1,TimeUnit.SECOND)

I've seen that the recommended way (in the book Kafka definitive guide
chapter 4 and also in this post
to consume from Kafka is to have an infinite loop and do the pool the
messages from that loop.

My questions are:

1. Is our approach with the scheduling consumption a good one?
2.If not what are the caveats/gotchas of our approach?
3. Should we adhere to the recommended way to consume the message from

I look forward for your answers.

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