MG>hopefully quick comment > Subject: Re: Encryption at Rest > From: > Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 08:55:52 +0200 > To: > > From what I understand, when using batch compression in Kafka, the files are > stored compressed. > Don’t really see the difference between compression and encryption in that > aspect. > If Kafka would support pluggable algorithms for compression (it already > supports two), it would be rather straightforward I guess. > > > > On 03 May 2016, at 07:02, Christian Csar <> wrote: > > > > "We need to be capable of changing encryption keys on regular > > intervals and in case of expected key compromise." is achievable with > > full disk encryption particularly if you are willing to add and remove > > Kafka servers so that you replicate the data to new machines/disks > > with new keys and take the machines with old keys out of use and wipe > > them. > > > > For the second part of it I would suggest reevaluating your threat > > model since you are looking at a machine that is compromised but not > > compromised enough to be able to read the key from Kafka or to use > > Kafka to read the data. > > > > While you could add support to encrypt data on the way in and out of > > compression I believe you would need either substantial work in Kafka > > to support rewriting/reencrypting the logfiles (with performance > > penalties) or rotate machines in and out as with full disk encryption. > > Though I'll let someone with more knowledge of the implementation > > comment further on what would be required. > > > > Christian > > > > On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 9:41 PM, Bruno Rassaerts > > <> wrote: > >> We did try indeed the last scenario you describe as encrypted disks do not > >> fulfil our requirements. > >> We need to be capable of changing encryption keys on regular intervals and > >> in case of expected key compromise. > >> Also, when a running machine is hacked, disk based or file system based > >> encryption doesn’t offer any protection. > >> > >> Our goal is indeed to have the content in the broker files encrypted. The > >> problem is that only way to achieve this is through custom serialisers. > >> This works, but the overhead is quite dramatic as the messages are no > >> longer efficiently compressed (in batch). > >> Compression in the serialiser, before the encryption, doesn’t really solve > >> the performance problem. > >> > >> The best thing for us would be able to encrypt after the batch compression > >> offered by kafka. > >> The hook to do this is missing in the current implementation. > >> > >> Bruno > >> > >>> On 02 May 2016, at 22:46, Tom Brown <> wrote: > >>> > >>> I'm trying to understand your use-case for encrypted data. > >>> > >>> Does it need to be encrypted only over the wire? This can be accomplished > >>> using TLS encryption (v0.9.0.0+). See > >>> > >>> > >>> Does it need to be encrypted only when at rest? This can be accomplished > >>> using full disk encryption as others have mentioned. MG>the rest spec doesnt support encryption .. a SAAS secure impl such as Axis with Rampart encryption/decryption: WS-Security/WS-Policy works MG>or Apache-CXF with WS-Security MG>granted you *can* encrypt the whole disk but do you want that kind of performance degradation to all your running processes? > >>> > >>> Does it need to be encrypted during both? Use both TLS and full disk > >>> encryption. > >>> > >>> Does it need to be encrypted fully from end-to-end so even Kafka can't > >>> read > >>> it? Since Kafka shouldn't be able to know the contents, the key should not > >>> be known to Kafka. What remains is manually encrypting each message before > >>> giving it to the producer (or by implementing an encrypting serializer). > >>> Either way, each message is still encrypted individually. MG>curious if Jim tested his encryption/decryption scenario on Kafka's stateless broker? MG>Jims idea could work if you want to implement a new serializer/deserializer for every new supported cipher
MG>and yes you *should* change ciphers on a random basis on interval known only to consumer/producer/broker MG>since broker is stateless the only way for new cipher to be introduced is read from property or read from DB MG>anyone having access to that info would know how to update their attack vectors MG>has anyone worked out a changeable cipher for Kafka Broker? > >>> > >>> Have I left out a scenario?MG>majority of financial institutions > >>> implement cipher-aware proxy servers like cisco > >>> MG>once inside the firewall your can send clear text to anyone > >>> > >>> --Tom > >>> > >>> > >>> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Bruno Rassaerts > >>> < > >>>> wrote: > >>> > >>>> Hello, > >>>> > >>>> We tried encrypting the data before sending it to kafka, however this > >>>> makes the compression done by kafka almost impossible. > >>>> Also the performance overhead of encrypting the individual messages was > >>>> quite significant. > >>>> > >>>> Ideally, a pluggable “compression” algorithm would be best. Where message > >>>> can first be compressed, then encrypted in batch. > >>>> However, the current kafka implementation does not allow this. > >>>> > >>>> Bruno > >>>> > >>>>> On 26 Apr 2016, at 19:02, Jim Hoagland <> > >>>> wrote: > >>>>> > >>>>> Another option is to encrypt the data before you hand it to Kafka and > >>>> have > >>>>> the downstream decrypt it. This takes care of on-disk on on-wire > >>>>> encryption. We did a proof of concept of this: > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>> > >>>>> roof-concept > >>>>> > >>>>> ( ) > >>>>> > >>>>> -- Jim > >>>>> > >>>>> On 4/25/16, 11:39 AM, "David Buschman" <> wrote: > >>>>> > >>>>>> Kafka handles messages which are compose of an array of bytes. Kafka > >>>> does > >>>>>> not care what is in those byte arrays. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> You could use a custom Serializer and Deserializer to encrypt and > >>>> decrypt > >>>>>> the data from with your application(s) easily enough. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> This give the benefit of having encryption at rest and over the wire. > >>>> Two > >>>>>> birds, one stone. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> DaVe. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>>> On Apr 25, 2016, at 2:14 AM, Jens Rantil <> wrote: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> IMHO, I think that responsibility should lie on the file system, not > >>>>>>> Kafka. > >>>>>>> Feels like a waste of time and double work to implement that unless > >>>>>>> there's > >>>>>>> a really good reason for it. Let's try to keep Kafka a focused product > >>>>>>> that > >>>>>>> does one thing well. > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Cheers, > >>>>>>> Jens > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 3:31 AM Tauzell, Dave > >>>>>>> <> > >>>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> I meant encryption of the data at rest. We utilize filesytem > >>>>>>>> encryption > >>>>>>>> for other products; just wondering if anything was on the Kafka > >>>>>>>> roadmap. > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Dave > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> On Apr 21, 2016, at 18:12, Martin Gainty <> > >>>> wrote: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Dave- > >>>>>>>>> so you want username/password credentials to be sent in response to > >>>> an > >>>>>>>> HTTP Get as clear text? > >>>>>>>>> if not this has been asked and answered with Axishttps:// > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Martin > >>>>>>>>> ______________________________________________ > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> From: > >>>>>>>>>> To: > >>>>>>>>>> Subject: Encryption at Rest > >>>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 21:31:56 +0000 > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Has there been any discussion or work on at rest encryption for > >>>>>>>>>> Kafka? > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Thanks, > >>>>>>>>>> Dave > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may > >>>>>>>> contain sensitive information, and are intended solely for the use of > >>>>>>>> the > >>>>>>>> individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received > >>>>>>>> this > >>>>>>>> e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail immediately > >>>>>>>> and > >>>>>>>> destroy all copies of the e-mail and any attachments. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>> -- > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Jens Rantil > >>>>>>> Backend Developer @ Tink > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Tink AB, Wallingatan 5, 111 60 Stockholm, Sweden > >>>>>>> For urgent matters you can reach me at +46-708-84 18 32. > >>>>>> > >>>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >> >