
I want to setup a kafka cluster type setup for three similar application
having same queues like AppA -> {TopicX, TopicY, TopicZ},  AppB -> {TopicX,
TopicZ}, AppC -> {TopicX, TopicY}. Producer and Consumer will be App
I setup kafka cluster with three brokers having partition 1,2,3 in three
different config files with different ports. Then start kafka server (
cluster )

I am using kafka php wrapper by http://github.com/nmred/kafka-php

So I used Producer code for App A like

           $producer->setMessages("TopicX", 0,

AND used Producer code for App B like

           $producer->setMessages("TopicX", 1,

And So On.

Then I made my Consumer scripts for three apps like

            $queues = array("TopicX", "TopicY", "TopicZ");
            while(true) {
                foreach($queues as $queue) {
                    $consumer =
                    $consumer->setPartition($queue, 0);
                    $result = $consumer->fetch();

But when I try to execute consumer script for any App I get error like

**"Timed out reading socket while reading 750437 bytes with 750323 bytes to

I just don't know How I can fix this issue I tried to modify some kafka
config parameters like

     zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms=24000         # Initially 6000
     replica.socket.timeout.ms=15000                      # Not exists in
default file

but that not worked.

Kuldeep Kamboj

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