Have you tried getting the memory usage output using tool like jmap and
seeing what's consuming the memory? Also, what are you heap sizes for
the process?
On Tuesday 19 April 2016 02:31 AM, McKoy, Nick wrote:
To follow up with my last email, I have been looking into
socket.receive.buffer.byte as well as socket.send.buffer.bytes. Would it help
to increase the buffer for OOM issue?
All help is appreciated!
From: "McKoy, Nick"
Date: Monday, April 18, 2016 at 3:41 PM
To: "users@kafka.apache.org<mailto:users@kafka.apache.org>"
Subject: Out of memory - Java Heap space
Hey all,
I have a kafka cluster of 5 nodes that’s working really hard. CPU is around 40%
idle daily.
I looked at the file descriptor note on this documentation page
and decided to give it a shot on one instance in the cluster just to see how it
performed. I increased this number to 1048576.
I kept getting this error from the kafka logs:
ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread--1-6], Error due to
(kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread) java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I increased heap to see if that would help and I kept seeing these errors.
Could the file descriptor change have something related to this?
Nicholas McKoy
Engineering – Big Data and Personalization
Washington Post Media
One Franklin Square, Washington, DC 20001
Email: nicholas.mc...@washpost.com<mailto:nicholas.mc...@washpost.com>