Hi Yashodhan, I do this quite frequently and if I understand your question correctly, it is the default behavior.
If you issue a normal TERM signal to the kafka process (or call kafka-server-stop.sh) it will start controlled shutdown which will migrate leadership for all the partitions it is currently leading to other brokers in the ISR. This will not happen if there are no other brokers in the ISR so you probably don't want to start this until you have no under replicated partitions. You can check with: kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper xxx --describe --under-replicated-partitions After controlled shutdown completes the process should exit. I have seen some cases where the broker appears to complete shutdown and has moved leadership for all of its partitions but it does not exit the process. If this happens I have just issued a hard KILL to the process. It is possible that I am just impatient and the process will eventually exit. When you restart the broker, it will catch up on all the partitions for which it is in the replica list. Hopefully it will quickly enter the ISR as well. Next, by default kafka has auto leader rebalancing enabled. It is controlled by this parameter: auto.leader.rebalance.enable (default: true) These two parameters also control the rebalancing: leader.imbalance.check.interval.seconds (default: 300) leader.imbalance.per.broker.percentage (default: 10) So, on average about 150 seconds after your broker has returned a rebalancing event should occur. This will move the leadership back to your broker for partitions where it is the preferred leader which just means it shows up first in the replica list and it is in the ISR. There is also the script: kafka-preferred-replica-election.sh which will trigger the election. I have only tried it once but it appeared to do the job. Good luck, rob > On Apr 8, 2016, at 9:03 PM, Yashodhan Kocharekar <ykoch...@tibco.com> wrote: > > hi i am trying write a script for safe rolling restart of > kafka_2.9.2- cluster , high level workflow is > > for each broker do > 1. move partition replica leadership from current_broker to others > 2. broker restart > 3. restore leadership borker > > now i have found a script to do 1. > https://gist.github.com/miguno/87d5b2411e3f93e80866 > i am not sure how to do 3. ________________________________ This email and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, copying, or distribution of this email (or any attachments) by others is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender immediately and permanently delete this email and any attachments. No employee or agent of TiVo Inc. is authorized to conclude any binding agreement on behalf of TiVo Inc. by email. Binding agreements with TiVo Inc. may only be made by a signed written agreement.