we are using Kafka server + new client

In our application we process log events and aggregate the results in
RDBMS. In order to achieve data consistency, when we process a polled log
event list (a batch), we update DB in one transaction and we also save the
partition offsets in the RDBMS within the same transaction.
Then, on re-balance, we read the offsets from RDBMS.

So far so good. But we can see lot of auto-commit stuff in the log. So, we
don't need the Kafka offset management. Is there a clean way to disable it?
Is simple setting enable.auto.commit =false just enough? Isn't then still
something remaining under the hood?

I couldn't find some clean statement of how to setup kafka client when
managing offsets on the application level in the doc or Internet. I found
just this page:
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Offset+Management where
the new offset management is discussed and the optionality is discussed
just as an "interesting" thing, so that is basically what makes me unsure.

Thank you
Jakub Neubauer

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