Hi Tommy,

I think it's reasonable to think it should work. However, our upgrade tests
don't currently test that scenario and that is why we only mention
{0.8.2.x, 0.9.0.x} to


The best way to verify would be to update the system tests to include older
versions that are expected to work and, if they pass, update the upgrade
documentation. I suggest filing a JIRA. Contributions are also welcome!


On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Tommy Becker <tobec...@tivo.com> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> We are currently still running Kafka, and are looking to upgrade.
> From what I have been able to tell, upgrading to 0.10.x will be supported
> from as far back as 0.8.2.x. But the documentation for 0.8.2.x seems to
> indicate that upgrading from 0.8.1.x effectively a no-op. So my question is
> does that imply that upgrading from to 0.10.x will be supported?
> Regards,
> Tommy
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