Hi Prabhakar, We fixed a couple critical bugs in the release, so you should definitely make sure to use that version if you want to try it out. Since then, we've mostly been tweaking the behavior for some edge cases and trying to improve messaging. I'd recommend giving it a shot. The upcoming 0.10 release will contain a few small changes to the API and a couple new configuration options, but otherwise will be the same.
-Jason On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Digumarthi, Prabhakar Venkata Surya < prabhakarvenkatasurya.digumar...@capitalone.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > We are planning to use consumer client API 0.0.9, but the kafka > documentation still says its beta quality. > > Is there any timeline by when it becomes production ready ? > > > The reason why we want to go with 0.9 is to avoid rework of migrating from > 0.8.X client to 0.9. > > Note: we are running 0.9 of kafka server > > > Thanks > Prabhakar > ________________________________________________________ > > The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and/or > proprietary to Capital One and/or its affiliates and may only be used > solely in performance of work or services for Capital One. The information > transmitted herewith is intended only for use by the individual or entity > to which it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, retransmission, > dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of, or taking of any > action in reliance upon this information is strictly prohibited. If you > have received this communication in error, please contact the sender and > delete the material from your computer. >