Well, if a partition is too large of a unit of order for your tastes, you
can add publisher ID¹s to some metadata, or force partition mapping and
use the key as an extra level of partitioning.  And, pick a topicName that
describes all the traffic on that topic. An example:

topicName=³ad.click.events²; //lets say we are a web advertising company
and want to aggregate click events

publisherId=³ad.click.handling.server.1234²; // this is the name of the
entity publishing to the topic, server #1234
targetPartition=config.targetPartition; //This needs to be configured
somehow, and known to all consumers
usingPublisherIDWithPartition = new ProducerRecord<>(topicName,
targetPartition, publisherId, payload);

Then, on consumers, you can use the kafka API to listen to a targeted
partition, and then filter to just the publisher ID you are interested in.
 You still get an ³even sourced² bus that would let you reliably replay
those messages in the same order to any number of consumers.

If you are willing to embrace kafka¹s consumer API to scale consumers,
your life becomes even easier. Example:


usingOnlyPublisherID = new ProducerRecord<>(topicName, publisherId,

Kafka will ensure that all messages with the same publisher ID are sent to
the same partition. And from there, all messages with the same publisher
ID are sent in the same order to all consumers.  That is, provided there
are no mid-execution changes to the number of partitions, which is a
manual operation.  Also, number of publisherIds >> number of partitions
within the topic.

The think to keep in mind is that, while you would decrease any brokers
overhead, you are implicitly limiting your throughput.  And feel free to
replace ³publisherID² with ³TargetConsumerID² or ³OrderedEventBusID².

On 3/29/16, 7:38 AM, "Mark van Leeuwen" <m...@vl.id.au> wrote:

>Thanks for sharing your experience.
>I'm surprised no one else has responded. Maybe there are few people
>using Kafka for event sourcing.
>I did find one answer to my question
>I guess using a single topic partition as the event source for multiple
>aggregates is similar to using a single table shard for that purpose in
>a relational DB.
>On 29/03/16 02:28, Daniel Schierbeck wrote:
>> I ended up abandoning the use of Kafka as a primary event store, for
>> several reasons. One is the partition granularity issue; another is the
>> lack of a way to guarantee exclusive write access, i.e. ensure that
>>only a
>> single process can commit an event for an aggregate at any one time.
>> On Mon, 28 Mar 2016 at 16:54 Mark van Leeuwen <m...@vl.id.au> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> When using Kafka for event sourcing in a CQRS style app, what approach
>>> do you recommend for mapping DDD aggregates to topic partitions?
>>> Assigning a partition to each aggregate seems at first to be the right
>>> approach: events can be replayed in correct order for each aggregate
>>> there is no mixing of events for different aggregates.
>>> But this page
>>> has the recommendation to " limit the number of partitions per broker
>>> two to four thousand and the total number of partitions in the cluster
>>> to low tens of thousand".
>>> One partition per aggregate will far exceed that number.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark


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