I agree and considering that send(..) method returns Future one would argue it 
must never block, otherwise what’s the point of returning Future if you remove 
user’s ability to control how long are they willing to wait and what to do when 
certain types of exception arise. Nevertheless it does and it happens in the 
very first line of code:
// first make sure the metadata for the topic is available
waitOnMetadata(record.topic(), this.metadataFetchTimeoutMs);
So I am curious as well as to what is the motivation for it as we’ve seen the 
same symptoms multiple times.
On Mar 29, 2016, at 4:31 AM, Paolo Patierno 
<ppatie...@live.com<mailto:ppatie...@live.com>> wrote:

as documentation says, the KafkaProducer.send() method is asynchronous and it 
just returns immediately.I found out that it's not so true when the Kafka 
server it's trying to connect isn't online.Of course it happens only on the 
first send() method invocation. It means that if the Kafka server isn't 
reachable when my application starts for the first time, the send() method 
isn't so asynchronous but it blocks.I know that it's trying to connect to the 
Kafka server but why it doesn't save the message into the buffer and returns 
immediately ?Is it a behavior or a bug ?

Paolo PatiernoSenior Software Engineer

Windows Embedded & IoTMicrosoft Azure Advisor
Twitter : @ppatierno
Linkedin : paolopatierno
Blog : DevExperienceBlog : Embedded101

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