First, find a use that makes sense to you. Are you a developer and want to 
focus on building applications and tools that interact with and through kafka?

Are you a platform person, who wants to figure out how to build a data ingest 
platform and connect various systems and data types through kafka?

Are you a data consumer, who wants to learn how to leverage kafka to improve 
the access to your data and the rate at which you can work with it?

from my perspective, I'd suggest standing up a simple three node cluster and 
using logstash and elk to play with moving data around and connecting various 
sources.   Then maybe try setting up the confluent stack, and looking at a more end solution.

There is a whole ecosystem being built around kafka to suit all the varied 
interests and needs - find the ones that suit yours and start poking at it.



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  Original Message
From: S Ahmed
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 10:40 PM
Reply To:
Subject: RE: steps path to kafka mastery


This may be a silly question for some but here goes :)

Without real production experience, what steps do you suggest one take to
really have some solid skillz in kafka?

I tend to learn in a structured way, but it just seems that since kafka is
a general purpose tool there isn't really a course per say that teaches you
all things kafka.

There are books but the one I read was more of a tutorial on certain
aspects of kafka but it doesn't give you the insights of building a real
production system.

Any suggestions or tips?

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