Can you elaborate on this.

"Is broker able to connect to ZK properly ? May be this can be checked via
ZK CLI tools to check if the broker registrations happen properly as soon
as you start Kafka broker"
On Mar 26, 2016 8:18 AM, "Muthukumaran K" <>

> Hi Bhargo,
> I ran into similar issues mainly due to firewall restrictions in my setup
> with remote VM running broker and ZK. In my little experience, few things
> to check concretely before running our own clients to see if the changes of
> is properly done
> -        Is your ZK running on the same system as one of broker instance ?
> -        Is broker able to connect to ZK properly ? May be this can be
> checked via ZK CLI tools to check if the broker registrations happen
> properly as soon as you start Kafka broker
> -        Is your topic created and accessible via ‘sudo
> ./bin/’ command remotely with –describe flag?
> -        Was console-producer and console-consumer run from a remote
> machine to check if they really work with the remote broker config changes
> you have done ?
> This can help troubleshooting where the issue lies.
> Regards
> Muthu
> From: amar dev []
> Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2016 8:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Error while publishing messages
> Hi Team!!
> I am working on a POC for my project, where I want to replace RabbitMQ
> with Kafka
> I am using the version of kafka on my Ubuntu 15.10  version.
> I have been able to setup the basic setup, where from the console producer
> I can send messages and from the console consumer, I can consume them as
> well.
> But, when I try to create a java program to send the messages to the same
> topic, I get an exception stacktrace in my IDE console and my console
> consumer shows the same message 4 times.
> The exception that I get is the following:-
> Exception in thread "main" kafka.common.FailedToSendMessageException:
> Failed to send messages after 3 tries.
>     at
> kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler.handle(DefaultEventHandler.scala:91)
>     at kafka.producer.Producer.send(Producer.scala:77)
>     at kafka.javaapi.producer.Producer.send(Producer.scala:33)
>     at com.bhargo.main.MainClass.publishMessage(
>     at com.bhargo.main.MainClass.main(
> I am not sure what the issue is, I have made sure that
> file that is used to startup my broker has the correct configurations:-
> zookeeper.connect=crazybox:2181
> advertised.port=9092
> port=9092
> On running the command hostname , I get the result as "crazybox" and
> hostname -i, gives me
> I am attaching the code for your reference.
> Please have a look once.
> Any help here is much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bhargo

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