Folks, We're planning on exploring Kafka for our latest work - we are currently on RabbitMQ. Apologies if this has been already answered.
Question # 1) RMQ offers the Message ordering guarantee, from my initial read about Kafka - it does seem like a Topic is divided in to Partitions and any data published to this queue - is distributed among these partitions based on a certain algorithm. if there are multiple consumers ( Consumer Group ) consuming from these partitions how can we ensure that the messages are read in the correct sequence ? like the RMQ way. Question # 2) RMQ has semantics of transactions - what is it equivalent in Kafka. Question # 3) We use RMQ Federation / Shovelling to communicate across Data centers in a Hub and Spoke architecture - are there some thing similar in Kafka.?. Question # 4) I was reading about Kafka producer - where the crash of the producer leads to loss of messages - any advice (or) best practice on how to solve this. ?. Question # 5) Are there are any open source tools / best practices - recommended for Kafka performance monitoring tools in case of production issues. Question # 6) Kafka consumer is more of a Pull Model - this can cause busy wait for us - any better ways to fix this. Thanks a bunch _DD