Hi Allen, Answers inline.
On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 5:56 AM, allen chan <allen.michael.c...@gmail.com> wrote: > 1) I am using the upgrade instructions to upgrade from 0.8 to 0.9. Can > someone tell me if i need to continue to bump the > inter.broker.protocol.version after each upgrade? Currently the broker code > is but i have the config file listing as > inter.broker.protocol.versi > on= > When it comes to inter.broker.protocol.version, and are the same , so you don't have to. Internally, they are both mapped to 0.9.0.X. > 2) Is it possible to use multiple variations of producers / consumers? > My broker is on and i am currently using 0.8.x producer/consumer. I > want to test the new producer first then the new consumer. So would there > be issues if the setup was: > 0.9.x producer -> 0.9.x broker -> 0.8.x consumer > Newer brokers support older clients, so this is fine. Note that newer clients don't work with older brokers though. Ismael