Assuming you’re using the new producer (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer) the 
property is called compression.type I believe. 

Double check it’s being passed correctly to the process. The producer logs the 
properties it uses if you set the logging level to info. 

> On 18 Mar 2016, at 16:10, R P <> wrote:
> Hey Ben, Thanks again for your response. 
> I checked log files using DumpLogSegments --print-data-log. And compression 
> codec used is showing NoCompressionCodec ( compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec 
> ) .
> I am guessing my configuration is not correct. I am adding following line in 
> Kafka config file. I am using Kafka 0.8.2
> compression.codec=gzip
> # compression.codec=1 (tried with old config value too) 
> And for this experiment I am sending data via 
> Still I don't see any compression being used.
> What am I missing? 
> Thanks,
> R P
> On 3/18/16 8:24 AM, R P wrote:
>> Thanks for the response Ben.
>> I am wondering why is "du" command not showing reduced size when compression 
>> is used.
>> I ran an experiment with compression enabled on a topic and without 
>> compression enabled sending same amount of data in both cases. I used single 
>> node 1 replication factor Kafka instance on Mac OS.
>> I didn't see any difference in the data size stored on disk. In both cases 
>> data stored on disk in log files had same size equals to the data sent to 
>> Kafka.
>> How do I verify that compression is being used and data stored on disk has 
>> savings in space due to compression?
>> Thanks,
>> R P
>> _____________________________
>> From: Ben Stopford < 
>> <><> 
>> <>>
>> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 7:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: Question regarding compression of topics in Kafka
>> To: < 
>> <><> 
>> <>>
>> Yes it will compress the data stored on the file system if you specify 
>> compression in the producer. You can check whether the data is compressed on 
>> disk by running the following command in the data directory.
>> kafka-run-class --print-data-log --files 
>> latest-log-file.log
>>> > On 17 Mar 2016, at 23:59, R P < 
>>> > <><> 
>>> > <>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hello All,
>>> > Does kafka support compressing storage logs stored in log dir?
>>> > What does compression.type=(gzip/snappy) in do?
>>> >
>>> > Based on documents I am assuming that it will compress the logs on local
>>> > file system.
>>> > I ran a quick experiment and found that my logs stored on local disk are
>>> > not getting compressed.
>>> > Size of data stored on disk is same with or without compression.
>>> >
>>> > I am using following configuration properties in
>>> > config file.
>>> >
>>> > compression.type=gzip
>>> > compressed.topics="gzip-topic"
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for reading and appreciate any responses.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > R P

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