1GB sounds like a tad steep, you may want to do some testing, as Kafka needs to be told that such large messages can arrive and broker will then pre-allocate buffers for that. Personally, I'd stop short of low megabytes, anything bigger can be dropped off in e.g. S3 and then you just queue a link for further processing.
I'm not saying it's impossible, Kafka handles large messages better than most other tools out there, but you do want to do a test setup to make sure that it'll handle the sort of traffic you fling at it in any case. On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 4:26 AM, Mahesh Dharmasena <mahesh....@gmail.com> wrote: > We have a client with several thousand stores which send and receive > messages to main system that resides on the headquarters. > > A single Store sends and receive around 50 to 100 messages per day. > > Average Message size could be from 2KB to 1GB. > > Please let me know whether I can adapt Apache Kafka for the solution? > > > - Mahesh. > -- *Cees de Groot* PRINCIPAL SOFTWARE ENGINEER [image: PagerDuty logo] <http://pagerduty.com/> pagerduty.com c...@pagerduty.com <m...@pagerduty.com> +1(416)435-4085 [image: Twitter] <http://twitter.com/pagerduty>[image: FaceBook] <https://www.facebook.com/PagerDuty>[image: Google+] <https://plus.google.com/114339089137644062989>[image: LinkedIn] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/pagerduty>[image: Blog] <https://blog.pagerduty.com/>