
We have 44 partitions in our cluster that are unavailable. kafka-topics.sh is 
reporting them with Leader: -1, and with no brokers in the ISR. Zookeeper says 
that broker 5 should be the partition leader for this topic partition. These 
are topics with replication-factor 1. Most of the topics have little to no data 
in them, so they are low-traffic topics. We currently cannot produce to them. 
And I can't find anything in the logs that seems to explain why the broker is 
not taking the partitions back online. Can anyone help?

Relevant log lines are attached below.

* What does Leader: -1 mean?
* Why doesn't the broker take the partition back online?
* Is there more debugging/logging that I can turn on?
* unclean.leader.election.enable=false right now, although during a previous 
boot of the broker, we set it to true to get some partitions back online. These 
ones never came back online.


in zookeeper
$ get /brokers/topics/the.topic.name

[2016-03-01 06:29:13,869] WARN Found an corrupted index file, 
/TivoData/kafka/the.topic.name-0/00000000000000000000.index, deleting and 
rebuilding index... (kafka.log.Log)
[2016-03-01 06:29:13,870] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 0 in log 
the.topic.name-0. (kafka.log.Log)
[2016-03-01 06:29:13,870] INFO Completed load of log the.topic.name-0 with log 
end offset 0 (kafka.log.Log)

state-change.log.2016-03-01-06:[2016-03-01 06:34:20,498] TRACE Broker 5 cached 
leader info 
 for partition [the.topic.name,0] in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by 
controller 2 epoch 20 with correlation id 0 (state.change.logger)
state-change.log.2016-03-01-06:[2016-03-01 06:34:20,695] TRACE Broker 5 
received LeaderAndIsr request 
 correlation id 1 from controller 2 epoch 20 for partition [the.topic.name,0] 
state-change.log.2016-03-01-06:[2016-03-01 06:34:20,957] TRACE Broker 5 
handling LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 2 epoch 20 
starting the become-follower transition for partition [the.topic.name,0] 
state-change.log.2016-03-01-06:[2016-03-01 06:34:23,531] ERROR Broker 5 
received LeaderAndIsrRequest with correlation id 1 from controller 2 epoch 20 
for partition [the.topic.name,0] but cannot become follower since the new 
leader -1 is unavailable. (state.change.logger)
state-change.log.2016-03-01-06:[2016-03-01 06:34:30,075] TRACE Broker 5 
completed LeaderAndIsr request correlationId 1 from controller 2 epoch 20 for 
the become-follower transition for partition [the.topic.name,0] 
state-change.log.2016-03-01-06:[2016-03-01 06:34:30,458] TRACE Broker 5 cached 
leader info 
 for partition [the.topic.name,0] in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by 
controller 2 epoch 20 with correlation id 2 (state.change.logger)

state-change.log on the controller:
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,077] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 2 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,145] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 5 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,200] TRACE Broker 2 cached leader info 
 for partition [the.topic.name,0] in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by 
controller 2 epoch 20 with correlation id 9144 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,276] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 4 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,418] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 1 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,484] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 3 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,585] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 changed state of replica 
5 for partition [the.topic.name,0] from OfflineReplica to OnlineReplica 
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,606] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending become-follower 
LeaderAndIsr request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to 
broker 5 for partition [the.topic.name,0] (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,645] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 2 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,775] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 5 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,787] TRACE Broker 2 cached leader info 
 for partition [the.topic.name,0] in response to UpdateMetadata request sent by 
controller 2 epoch 20 with correlation id 9145 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,838] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 4 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,879] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 1 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,909] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 sending UpdateMetadata 
request (Leader:-1,ISR:,LeaderEpoch:56,ControllerEpoch:20) to broker 3 for 
partition the.topic.name-0 (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,972] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 started leader election 
for partition [the.topic.name,0] (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:34:15,973] ERROR Controller 2 epoch 20 initiated state change 
for partition [the.topic.name,0] from OfflinePartition to OnlinePartition 
failed (state.change.logger)
kafka.common.NoReplicaOnlineException: No broker in ISR for partition 
[the.topic.name,0] is alive. Live brokers are: [Set(5, 1, 2, 3, 4)], ISR 
brokers are: []
[2016-03-01 06:34:30,427] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 received response 
{error_code=0,partitions=[{topic=the.topic.name=0,error_code=0}]} for a request 
sent to broker Node(5, core05.tec1.tivo.com, 9092) (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:38:41,552] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 20 started leader election 
for partition [the.topic.name,0] (state.change.logger)
[2016-03-01 06:38:41,554] ERROR Controller 2 epoch 20 encountered error while 
electing leader for partition [the.topic.name,0] due to: Preferred replica 5 
for partition [the.topic.name,0] is either not alive or not in the isr. Current 
leader and ISR: [{"leader":-1,"leader_epoch":56,"isr":[]}]. 
[2016-03-01 06:38:41,554] ERROR Controller 2 epoch 20 initiated state change 
for partition [the.topic.name,0] from OfflinePartition to OnlinePartition 
failed (state.change.logger)
kafka.common.StateChangeFailedException: encountered error while electing 
leader for partition [the.topic.name,0] due to: Preferred replica 5 for 
partition [the.topic.name,0] is either not alive or not in the isr. Current 
leader and ISR: [{"leader":-1,"leader_epoch":56,"isr":[]}].
Caused by: kafka.common.StateChangeFailedException: Preferred replica 5 for 
partition [the.topic.name,0] is either not alive or not in the isr. Current 
leader and ISR: [{"leader":-1,"leader_epoch":56,"isr":[]}]


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