Also the metrics and
will give you the saturation of the network and IO threads.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 9:21 AM Alexis Midon <> wrote:

> "request queue time" is the time it takes for IO threads to pick up the
> request. As you increase the load on your broker, it makes sense to see
> higher queue time.
> Here are more details on the request/response model in a Kafka broker
> (0.8.2).
> All your requests and responses are belong to RequestChannel (
> ).
> The center piece of all Kafka Request/Response handling is the
> ``. RequestChannel is a container for all Kafka
> Requests waiting to be handled, and the Kafka Responses ready to be sent
> back to the clients.
> Requests are queued in a single bounded queue. Up to `queued.max.requests`
> requests will be stored. The response queues are not bounded.
> ## First, let's see how the Requests are created.
> A SocketServer (created by the main class KafkaServer) starts up multiple
> threads to handle network connections in a non-blocking fashion:
> . a single Acceptor thread
> . `network.threads` Processor threads
> The Acceptor  thread handles OP_ACCEPT events and passes new socket
> channel to the Processor threads (with a simple round-robin algorithm).
> A Processor thread has 3 responsibilities:
> 1. register for monitoring the newly created socket channel passed by the
> Acceptor thread
> 2. read data from the socket channels until a complete Kafka request is
> deserialized. The Request is then handed off to the RequestChannel. The
> hand-off might block if the request queue is full.
> 3. poll the Kafka Responses queued in the RequestChannel, and write the
> data on the corresponding socket channel. Each Processor has its own queue
> in the RequestChannel so that a response is processed by the same thread
> which read the request from the connection.
> ## Second, let's see how the Responses are built.
> During start up KafkaServer creates an instance of
> KafkaRequestHandlerPool.  KafkaRequestHandlerPool is a thread pool of
> `io.thread` threads of KafkaRequestHandler (named "kafka-request-handler-"
> ).
> A KafkaRequestHandler has a fairly simple job: it polls Request from the
> RequestChannel and passes them to KafkaApis (`KafkaApis.handle()`).
> KafkaApis dispatches the request and eventually a Response is pushed to the
> RequestChannel. The response will then be picked up by a Processor thread
> as described earlier.
> A diagram:
> The different stages of the request/response handling are nicely measured
> with the following metrics:
> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 2:30 PM <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have an issue with the timing of Kafka. As and when the time increases
>> with load testing, we see the increase in "request queue time". What is the
>> "request queue time" ?
>> Some basic config we are using
>> 2 Kafka Nodes(CPU - 8 CPU's [Thread(s) per core:    2], Mem - 32 GB Ram)
>> Tests duration: 13:05 - 14:05
>> Messages published - 869156
>> Load Average, CPU, memory is all under control so not sure what the issue
>> is.
>> Below are some SPM graphs showing the state of my system.
>> Here's the 'Requests' graph:

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