Hi Nishant,

You could use SASL authentication and authorization (ACLs) to control
access to topics. In your use case, you would require authentication and
control which principals have access to which consumer groups. These
features are available in 0.9 but not 0.8. Here are some resources:


I hope this helps.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 1:44 AM, NISHANT BULCHANDANI <nbulchand...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> We are making a Kafka Queue into which messages are being published from
> source system. Now multiple consumers can connect to this queue to read
> messages.
> While doing this the consumers have to specify a groupId based on which the
> messages are distributed , if two apps have the same groupId both of them
> won't get the messages.
> Is there a way i can enforce every app. to have a unique consumer group Id?

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