Hey Luke,

I took a look at the code and it does look like the whitelist argument is
handled differently between the old and new consumers. For the new
consumer, we just treat it as a raw regular expression, but the old
consumer does some preprocessing. We should probably do the preprocessing
in both cases for consistency. Would you mind opening a JIRA?


On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Luke Steensen <
luke.steen...@braintreepayments.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been experimenting with mirror maker and am a bit confused about some
> behavior I'm seeing.
> I have two simple single broker clusters setup locally, source and target.
> The source cluster has a topic foo with a few message in it.
> When I run mirror maker with --whitelist '*' (as noted in the
> documentation), nothing is written to the target cluster. Switching '.*'
> makes no difference.
> With --whitelist '\w*', everything is mirrored, including
> __consumer_offsets.
> With --whitelist foo, the foo topic is mirrored correctly from source to
> target.
> With --whitelist 'foo|bar' (where foo already exists and bar does not yet),
> foo is mirrored correctly, but bar is ignored when it gets created.
> Restarting mirror maker with the same command causes it to pick up on bar.
> I assume there is some outdated documentation around old vs new consumer in
> mirror maker, but it's still not obvious how to automatically mirror all
> non-internal topics. Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Luke

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