The default semantics of the new consumer with auto commit are
at-least-once-delivery. Basically during the poll() call the commit will be
triggered and will commit the offset for the messages consumed during the
previous poll call. This is an advantage over the older scala consumer
where the consumer did not have this guarantee because the commit happened
asynchronously in a separate thread and hence could end up preceeding or
succeeding the actual processing of data.

For streams this is exactly the same, and the guarantee is also
at-least-once-delivery (we will work on strengthening this in the future).


On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Avi Flax <> wrote:

> Hello all, I have a question about Kafka Streams, which I’m evaluating
> for a new project. (I know it’s still a work in progress but it might
> work anyway for this project.)
> I’m new to Kafka in particular and distributed systems in general so
> please forgive me I’m confused about any of these concepts.
> From reading the docs on the new consumer API, I have the impression
> that letting the consumer auto-commit is roughly akin to at-most-once
> delivery, because a commit could occur past a record that wasn’t
> actually processed. So in order to achieve at-least-once delivery, one
> needs to employ “manual offset control” and explicitly commit after
> processing has succeeded.
> If I’ve got that right, then that leads me to my question about KStreams.
> From looking at the word count examples, it seems pretty clear that
> using the “lower level” approach demonstrated in WordCountProcessorJob
> — wherein a TopologyBuilder is created and supplied with a
> ProcessorSupplier that supplies a Processor that receives a
> ProcessorContext and calls commit on that ProcessorContext once
> processing succeeds — enables the at-least-once delivery model. OK,
> cool.
> Looking at WordCountJob, however, which uses KStreams, I don’t see any
> committing happening there explicitly, and in fact I searched the
> entire kstream source tree (for the kstream package and its internals
> sub-package) and I don’t see any calls to commit there. So my
> _impression_ is that maybe any KStream topology can use only
> auto-commit, and therefore only at-most-once processing.
> Basically I’m wondering if my impression is correct, or not, or if I’m
> just totally misunderstanding the code in its current state.
> Thanks!
> Avi

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