I think you’ll find some useful context in this KIP Jason wrote. It’s pretty 


> On 16 Feb 2016, at 07:15, Насыров Ренат <renat-nasy...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to use kafka for long-running tasks processing. The tasks can be 
> very short (less than a second) or very long (about 10 minutes). I've got one 
> consumer group for the single queue, and one or more consumers. Sometimes 
> consumers manage to commit their offsets before rebalancing, sometimes not 
> (and fail). Accordning to this document ( 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+0.9+Consumer+Rewrite+Design
>  ), in worst case (when all the consumers are on very long tasks) it goes as 
> follows:
> 1) Consumers get long tasks from the queue.
> 2) Consumers performing their long-running tasks.
> 3) Session timeout happens.
> 4) Group coordinator performs a rebalance; the current generation number is 
> increased.
> 5) Consumers complete their long-running tasks and commit.
> 6) GroupCoordinator returns IllegalGeneration errors to consumers and does 
> not allow to commit the offsets.
> 7) Consumers reconnect and get the very messages from the previous 
> generation, thus stucking in forever loop.
> Suggestions:
> 1) Commit first, then process. Inacceptable in my case because it leads to 
> at-most-once semantics.
> 2) Increase session timeout limit. Not desired because task duration can 
> negatively affect the effectiveness of rebalance.
> Is there any proper way to complete long-running tasks?

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