Ted - it depends on your domain. More conservative approaches to long lived 
data protect against data corruption, which generally means snapshots and cold 

> On 15 Feb 2016, at 21:31, Ted Swerve <ted.swe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI Ben, Sharninder,
> Thanks for your responses, I appreciate it.
> Ben - thanks for the tips on settings. A backup could certainly be a
> possibility, although if only with similar durability guarantees, I'm not
> sure what the purpose would be?
> Sharninder - yes, we would only be using the logs as forward-only streams -
> i.e. picking an offset to read from and moving forwards - and would be
> setting retention time to essentially infinite.
> Regards,
> Ted.
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 5:05 AM, Sharninder Khera <sharnin...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> This topic comes up often on this list. Kafka can be used as a datastore
>> if that’s what your application wants with the caveat that Kafka isn’t
>> designed to keep data around forever. There is a default retention time
>> after which older data gets deleted. The high level consumer essentially
>> reads data as a stream and while you can do sort of random access with the
>> low level consumer, its not ideal.
>>> On 15-Feb-2016, at 10:26 PM, Ted Swerve <ted.swe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is it viable to use infinite-retention Kafka topics as a master data
>>> store?  I'm not talking massive volumes of data here, but still
>> potentially
>>> extending into tens of terabytes.
>>> Are there any drawbacks or pitfalls to such an approach?  It seems like a
>>> compelling design, but there seem to be mixed messages about its
>>> suitability for this kind of role.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ted

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