In the following bit of code that I got from

 * gives us the leader partition metadata for the given
 * host and port! there can be only one broker that is
 * the leader for the given partitionId
val partitionMetaDataSeq = for {
  mataData  <- topicMetadataResponse
  partition <- mataData.partitionsMetadata.asScala.toSeq
  if partition.partitionId == partitionId
} yield partition

is my understanding correct, which is:

the topicMetadataResponse that I get is a sequence of TopicMetadata which
in turn contains a sequence of PartitionMetadata. But how could I get a
sequence of TopicMetadata when I do a look up only for a single topic?

val topicMetadataRequest = new TopicMetadataRequest(topics.asJava)
val topicMetadataResponse =

The topics.asJava contains only a single topic!

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