Hi John,

The core jar can be built with either Scala 2.10 or Scala 2.11 and the
Scala version is included as part of the artifact. The read me page
explains this in more detail. Search for "all scala versions" to find out
how to run commands for all Scala versions or "particular version of Scala"
to find out how to run a command for a given version of Scala. The build
uses Scala 2.10 by default.



On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:49 AM, John Prout <john.pr...@acxiom.com> wrote:

> Folks
> I am trying to work with the latest from the 0.9.0 branch
> (
> The build appears to have changed the Maven artifact which it produces, at
> least for the "core" part of the project
> When I built about a week ago, the Artifact was
> org.apache.kafka:kafka_2.11:
> Build which I made today produced kafka_2.10- (note
> 10, not 11)
> However, default-pom.xml in the "core/poms" folder still references
> org.apache.kafka:kafka_2.11:
> When I built, about a week ago, the documented gradle command to install
> in Maven didn't install the correct structure, so Maven couldn't find the
> dependency. I corrected by manually installing the jar using
> default-pom.xml, but that doesn't work now because the generated jar name
> has changed (and isn't what's in default-pom.xml)
> I haven't tested the gradle to install the artifacts today, because I
> don't want to break what's working.
> What is the correct dependency which I should be using?
> Thanks
> John
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