
In order to get metrics through JMX, we have exported JMX_PORT=8099. But
when we are trying to delete the topics from kafka, we are getting
following issue:

Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException:
Port already in use: 8099; nested exception is:
        java.net.BindException: Address already in use

When we do not export JMX_PORT then it works fine i.e. we are able to
delete topic. So my assumption is that when JMX_PORT is exported by us to
get JMX metrics, this variable is also used by delete process while
deleting the topic which gives error as this port is already used.
Can you please help us regarding this?

Thanks & Regards,
Shishir Shivhare

On 8 February 2016 at 21:23, Shishir Shivhare <shishir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> In order to get metrics through JMX, we have exported JMX_PORT=8099. But
> when we are trying to delete the topics from kafka, we are getting
> following issue:
> Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException:
> Port already in use: 1234; nested exception is:
>         java.net.BindException: Address already in use
> When we do not export JMX_PORT then it works fine i.e. we are able to
> delete topic. So my assumption is that when JMX_PORT is exported by us to
> get JMX metrics, this variable is also used by delete process while
> deleting the topic which gives error as this port is already used.
> Can you please help us regarding this?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Shishir Shivhare

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